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Digital transformation of economic and production systems’ control means

Work number - M 43 AWARDED

Presented National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic».

1. Laktionov O. – Ph.D., Associate Professor of Automation, Electronics and Telecommunications Department.
2. Zakharchenko R. – Ph.D., Associate Professor of Automation, Electronics and Telecommunications Department.
3. Boryak B. – Ph.D., Associate Professor of Automation, Electronics and Telecommunications Department.
4. Cherviak A. – Ph.D., postgraduate student of Finance, Banking and Taxation Department.

The use of a system approach, structure and algorithms of multi-adaptive identification system’s operation allowed to correctly choose the method of identification of processes in the dryer. As a result, method for minimizing the optimally weighted sum of symmetric correlation functions was chosen and tested to solve this problem. The obtained unbiased and efficient parameters` estimates of the transfer functions of the dryer allowed to implement optimal adaptive algorithms for autonomous control of individual channels of temperature and humidity of the dryer as a multidimensional object with cross-links.

The peculiarity of the proposed adaptive methods of digital signal processing is their ability not only to determine the useful signal, in case of its distortion by external factors, but also to obtain predicted values of the monitored signal. These data can be used to partially or completely compensate for transport delays typical of modern technological processes.

A formal description of the existing method improvement for determining the quality of interaction of the subsystems` elements of the system «Machine tool-machining center-control program parts manufacturing» is proposed. This method combines assessments of social (machine tool), technical (machining center) and information (control program for manufacturing parts) subsystems. Improvements are made through the use of four independent indices that are defined separately. One takes into account the single, double and triple interactions of integrated indicators, where the values of the specific weight of the weights depend on the sample size. The other three are synergistic effects, where the weights do not depend on the sample size. Therefore, the model of this index is modified due to additional subsystems and software implemented.

The strategy of introduction of digital transformations in means of management of processes of economic and production systems from the point of view of maintenance of their economic safety for an estimation of the further modifications is developed. Methodical bases of information-analytical providing of an estimation of influence of external and internal factors on efficiency of introduction of technological changes are offered. The main tasks of information and analytical support and the sequence of stages of its implementation are determined.

Number of publications: 33 articles, 8 of which are included in the collections of indexed NMBD Scopus and WoS. According to the Scopus database, the total number of references to authors’ publications is 13, h-index (by work) - 3; according to the Google Scholar database, the total number of references to the authors’ publications is 63, h-index (by work) - 9. 3 candidate dissertations have been defended on this topic.