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Increasing the level of environmental safety in industrial enterprises and vehicles by neutralizing gas emissions on intermetallic catalysts


Presented by Zaporizhzhia National University

Belokon Karina, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

The aim of the work is to improve the processes for neutralizing gas emissions from industrial production and vehicles containing carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons to ensure the quality of atmospheric air and comply with environmental standards established in Ukraine and the world.

An assessment of the risk to public health from the impact of emissions from industrial enterprises and vehicles containing carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons was carried out, and the coefficients and indices of danger to public health were determined. Environmental indicators of the content of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in emissions were established, and modeling of the dispersion of the emissions from industrial enterprises in the air was carried out. The maximum surface concentrations of pollutants in residential buildings and a list of sources that make the largest contributions to atmospheric pollution were determined.

A method was developed for the production of catalytically active intermetallic alloys in the mode of thermal self-ignition for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in emissions from industrial enterprises and vehicles. The optimal composition of the catalyst for the neutralization of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons and scientific and technical solutions for the protection of atmospheric air from emissions is proposed. The choice of kinetic equations is theoretically substantiated and the mechanism of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon oxidation reactions on catalysts are studied. The effective rate constants of the reaction and the value of the activation energy for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons on Ni-Al catalysts were determined.

Pilot tests were carried out at PJSC «Ukrgrafit». An analysis of pilot test results shows that the developed catalyst has a service life 1.6-1.7 times longer than that of the known nickel catalyst. The expected economic effect from the introduction of the developed intermetallic catalyst is UAH 444.813 thousand by increasing the degree of neutralization of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons up to 99.9%.

Number of publications: 80 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, 2 sections in collective monographs, 7 teaching aids, 12 articles in the Scopus scientometric database, 1 article in a foreign publication, 16 articles in professional publications in Ukraine, 37 conference abstracts. The total number of references to publications of authors / h-index of work according to the databases is respectively: Scopus - 37/4, Google Scholar - 85/5. Received 2 patents in Ukraine for a useful model.