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Automatic control of technological complexes of food industry using intelligent methods and computer technologies


Authors: Shumygai Dmytro, Boyko Regina.

Organization: National University of Food Technologies

This work is devoted to experimental and theoretical study of the problem of increasing the efficiency of technological systems (TC) offood production through the use of intelligent methods and computer technology. The developed algorithmic and software procedures for sugar refinery technological complex subsystems coordination, which includes decision support system, can increase profit by sourcing and support optimal values ​​of process variables in real time, and canminimize the probabilityof emergency situations and in case of such situations - canmake as quickly as possible effective controldecisions. The new improved mathematical model of diffusion plant allows bring together subsystems criteria to the global criterion - profits, allowing further solve the problem of coordination to maximize profits. Developed adaptive control system can effectively controlnon-stationary plantswithout causing additional perturbations that allows to realize the resulting algorithm on most plantsand improve their functioning. Using the proposed intelligent methods for information system of technological complex of sugar refinery under uncertainty (methods of evaluating situations, analysis of time series based on wavelet analysis and neural networks, the use of fuzzy cognitive maps and networks) allows quickly and adequately assess the status of the current situation with a short-term forecasting and calculating the effective controldecisions.

The expected economic effect of the implementation of sugar factory subsystems coordination is 100 UAH per 1 ton of sugar.

The results of the work are published in 23 scientific papers, including 4 in foreign scientific journals which included in SCOPUS database, 1 monograph and 2 patents.
