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Структура, сорбційні та теплові властивості вуглецевих наноматеріалів та створення композитів на їх основі

Work number - M 33 AWARDED

This study is devoted to the experimental identification of the low-temperature heat capacity, sorption properties and thermal expansion of pure and carbon nanosystems doped by gases. Results in articles of this study are joined by a single goal, the object of research and research methodology. The obtained results of scientific and technical solutions stimulate development of modern technologies and are relevant for the creation of composite materials that are used in nanoelectronics, molecular membranes, filters, and medical implants.

For the first time, the heat capacity of carbon nanotubes with one-dimensional chains of xenon, nitrogen and methane adsorbates was determined. For the first time, the heat capacity of C60 fullerite doped with methane molecules was determined. The information about the dynamics of the ensemble of matrix-isolated CH4 molecules in the octahedral cavities of the C60 fullerite lattice was obtained. The composite hydroxyapatite with additives of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) was synthesized. It was shown that MWCNTs lead to a significant (10 times) increase of compression strength of this composite. For the first time, the physical mechanisms of sorption and desorption for impurity atoms and molecules by graphene structures were discovered. The spectra of the hydrogen and helium sorption capacity for thermally reduced graphene oxide were obtained. It was shown that the appearance of defects in the carbon planes occurs during heating to high temperatures, opening the interlayer gaps for absorption. The sorption capacity of graphene oxide nanostructure was increased up to six times during removal of oxygen-containing groups.

Thus, in the study was obtained fundamental knowledge about the thermal, structural and sorption properties of carbon nanomaterials, which expand information about phonon spectrum and are relevant for the creation of electronic devices and composite materials based on graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes. The obtained information is unique and provides the solution for creating the materials than existing analogues in terms of technical and economic indicators.