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Підручник "Orthodontiсs. Dentognathic Anomalies and Deformations"

Work number - P 7 FILED

of the textbook “Orthodontics. Dentognathic Anomalies and Deformations”



Publishing house: "Medicine"

Year of publication: 2015

Number of pages: 176.

Mintage: 850

Language: English

ISBN: 978-617-505-376-8


Full name of the applicants: Flis P.S., Leonenko G.P., Filonenko V.V., Doroshenko N.M.

Educational institution: Bogomolets National Medical University



The purpose of creating a textbook "Orthodontics. Dentognathic Anomalies and Deformations" is based on the need of detailed coverage, generalization and structuring of information about dentofacial apparatus anomalies and deformations.

While the textbook preparation, the authors relied on the modern standard syllabus of Ukrainian higher medical educational institutions of the 4th level of accreditation for students of dental faculties. Since the Bogomolets National Medical University introduced an education form in English language and foreign citizens receive an international diploma after the Ukrainian universities graduation, the question of integrating of the medical education system to European standards is quite actual.

The practical significance of the textbook lies not only in the educational and methodological aspect of this publication, but also in the possibility to share our own know-how and achievements in the methods of diagnosis and treatment with foreign colleagues in order to exchange experience in solving contemporary problems of orthodontics within the framework of the literary information space integration with the European universities.

The textbook covers the issues of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment methods and prophylaxis of dentognathic anomalies and deformations, presents own designs of orthodontic appliances and authorial modifications of existing ones.

The text of the textbook is accompanied by illustrations.

The tests, questions and situational tasks are represented after each chapter to test the level of knowledge mastery.