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The series of works «Optimization of biological processes in agro-ecosystems in order to improve their productivity and sustainability»

Work number - P 37 FILED

Authors: V.V. Volkogon, I.K. Kurdysh, O.V. Nadkernychna, L.M. Tokmakova,
O.M. Berdnikov, S.F. Kozar, A.M. Moskalenko, Ya.V. Chabanyuk, O.V. Sherstoboyeva.


Presented by the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology and AgroIndustrial Production National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


Theseriesofworksincludes7monographs, 163 research articles, published during last 20 years and 29 patents of Ukraine.


The given series justifies the methodological principles and presents the elaborated methods for determination of physiologically optimal doses of nitrogen fertilizers for agricultural crops.

The new approaches of microbial associations’ structure correction in root zone of cultured plants were recommended for optimization of biological processes, improvement of agrocoenoses productivity and sustainability.

Microbial preparations Azogran, ABT, Albobacteryn, Biogran, Biopolitsyd, Diazobacteryn, Complegran, Microhumin, Polimiksobacteryn, Rhyzoaktyv, Rhyzobophit, Rhyzohumin were created. Their efficient use in agriculture production technologies is ensured by the proposed approaches.  Use of named preparations promotes the enhancement of agrocoenoses and increases the active ingredients uptake coefficients from fertilizers. Combined application of fertilizers and biological preparations ensures saving of 30 – 60 kg/ha of mineral nitrogen and 30 – 40 kg/ha of phosphorous.

The research results were presented in 170 publications, including 7monographs,163articles in pier-reviewed journals (including 69in foreign journals).  Authors works were cited in more than 46 research journals (according to the Scopus database), h-index =5. Total of 29 patents were received. 3 doctoral dissertations and 12 dissertations for candidate of sciences (PhD) were defended.