P2 |
Creation and introduction of drug-free hemp varieties (Number of comments: 41) |
P3 |
System of technologies of grain storage and its processing to bakery, food and feedstuff products (Number of comments: 42) |
P6 |
Development and implementation of innovative technologies on the process of carbon-graphite production making for electrometallurgy (Number of comments: 17) |
P7 |
The integrated complex with the development and maintenance of hybrid cars (Number of comments: 0) |
P9 |
Modern building materials and structural systems for the construction of affordable housing and infrastructure (Number of comments: 57) |
P10 |
Resource-saving technologies and equipment in apparel and textile industry (Number of comments: 18) |
P11 |
Technology Development and Industrial Organization of Landfill Greenhouse Gas Utilization in Power Plants (Number of comments: 49) |
P16 |
Scientific begrounding and installation in production of innovations methods to increase of sizes of high quality milk and beef production in Ukraine (Number of comments: 21) |
P20 |
Elaboration and application to the production of innovative resource energy retain technologies of pork production. (Number of comments: 0) |
P26 |
Цикл наукових праць "Інноваційні методи та засоби радіометричного контролю властивостей матеріалів і речовин для наукових, прикладних та виробничих потреб" (Number of comments: 29) |
P27 |
System of certified grapevine planting material production in Ukraine (Number of comments: 42) |
P30 |
Development, implementation and effectiveness of a complex system of veterinary and zootechnical measures of prevention and rehabilitation of livestock of Ukraine against bovine leucosis (Number of comments: 31) |
P32 |
Series of engines and aggregates for special equipment (Number of comments: 16) |
P37 |
The series of works «Optimization of biological processes in agro-ecosystems in order to improve their productivity and sustainability» (Number of comments: 69) |
P42 |
Creating a new generation compressor equipment (Number of comments: 7) |
P46 |
Controllable effects of plastic deformation of product pieces for metallurgy and transport (Number of comments: 18) |
P47 |
AN-148-100/AN-158 airplane design, building and setting into operation (Number of comments: 10) |
P50 |
Development and implementation of the complex of safe operation means for railway transport (Number of comments: 20) |
P52 |
Створення випробувального комплексу ракетно-космічної техніки (Number of comments: 8) |