Work number - M 9 FILED
Presented by Sumy National Agrarian University.
Doctor of Philosophy D. Kisil
Based on the received data of epizootological monitoring and clinical and epizootological examinations of apiaries of Okhtyr district of Sumy region, the author established a tendency towards a mixed course of infectious and invasive diseases of bee brood. It was established that varroa invasion increases the impact of the intensity of the epizootic process, which was characterized by the development of mixed infectious diseases of bees. The obtained data expand the theoretical provisions regarding the hidden sources of the pathogen and the driving forces of the epizootic process in infectious diseases of bees.
In the conditions of the manifestation of the course of mixed forms of infectious diseases of bees, differential diagnostics, a complex system of veterinary and sanitary measures using biological, ecologically safe drugs - "Apichels" based on natural components and feed additive - "Kobacin" are applied.
The author obtained data that complement the idea of the mechanism of the formation of humoral factors of immunity in the body of honey bees after the use of "Kobacin" and the complex drug "Apichels". The production regulations of the industrial technology of the drugs "Kobacin" and "Apichels" were developed and approved under the conditions of LLC "Brovapharma" and the department of veterinary and sanitary examination of the Sumy National Agrarian University.