Work number - M 39 AWARDED
Presented Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Ph.D. Vinnychenko І. L., Ph.D. Gerasin О. S., Ph.D. Topalov А. М., Ph.D. Nedoroda V. М.
The aim of the work is to increase energy efficiency, sustainability and the degree of automation of the post-war restoration and modernization of ships and port infrastructure by improving current and developing new models, techniques, and various means of modern robotics, control, and biological systems that can successfully be applied to domestic and foreign specialized enterprises and compete with global analogues.
The concept of the postwar restoration of the technological development of the port industry and the functioning of its priority components has been developed by improving the design approach of a centrifugal compressor to acquire the optimal efficiency characteristics of the impeller blades, development of energy-efficient resonant converters of constant and variable voltage for contactless charge of ecologically friendly ships and freight transport equipment with electric traction, upgrading the dock operations control system for the vessel's lifting and descent, as well as the implementation of intelligent control devices to increase docking operations efficiency, modifications to the mobile robot control system for processing damaged vessel surfaces and spraying protective coatings, development of innovative technology for bioremediation of petroleum-containing pollutants and disposal of oil sludge with the application of microbiological consortium by means of robotics.
The world novelty of developments is protected by 3 patents of Ukraine for utility models. The results of the research are implemented at 15 enterprises (Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Sumy). The economic effect of the implementation of the proposed resonance converter is 1,0149 UAH per 1 kW*h. The presented research was carried out within the framework of the international scientific university cooperation in the implementation of international projects according to the programs of the European Union Erasmus+ (Aliot) and DAAD-Ostpartnerschaftsprogramm (project with Saarland University, Germany), and also under a contract with the PRC (Yancheng Professional Institute of Industrial Technology).
Number of publications: 2 individual monographs, 8 collective monographs, incl. 6 in foreign publications, 11 articles in journals included in category "A", 28 in foreign publications) and 18 articles in journals included in category "B", 5 proceedings. The total number of references to authors' publications/h-index by work according to databases is, respectively: Web of Science 34