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Managerial Innovations in Research Activities Based on Creative Leadership and Entrepreneurship During the War and Post-War Recovery of Ukrain

Work number - M 35 AWARDED

Presented Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

SITNICKI Maksym – Doctor of Economic Sciences (D.Sc.), Professor, Head of the Management of Innovation and Investment activities Department of the Economics Faculty at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In the presented scientific work for the first time:

– the irreversible quality of the development of creative leadership through the concept of “entrepreneurial progressivism” introduced into the managerial categorical apparatus, which is embodied in the innovative and creative potential of domestic entrepreneurs, enabling institutional support for the implementation of advanced scientific ideas and entrepreneurial initiatives in the most rational way in the information society, has been proven and revealed conditions of martial law in Ukraine;

– the priority directions for the activation of the national innovation system in the creative activity of entrepreneurs, as the basis for the effective modernization of the domestic economy for the period of martial law and post-war recovery, are substantiated;

– the main trends and regularities of the development of creative leadership of innovative entrepreneurs in Ukraine in the conditions of martial law were identified and characterized, with a retrospective generalization of the concepts of its emergence;


– developed mechanisms and methods of development of creative leadership and entrepreneurship in the economic environment of Ukraine in the conditions of the competitive struggle of the modern global space and the turbulence of the martial law;

– researched global trends and complementary effects of creative leadership development and effective tools for its formation among innovative entrepreneurs with the aim of further capitalization and commercialization in Ukraine

Number of publications: 46, including 3 monographs published in Switzerland and Poland, 4 manuals, 29 articles (including 14 articles in foreign English-language publications), 10 of which in publications of other countries and publications of Ukraine included in Scopus (Q1, Q2) and Web of Science, 18 to Index Copernicus, 10 theses of conference reports. The total number of references to the author's publications by work is in Scopus – 14 (h-index = 3), Web of Science – 25 (h-index = 3), Google Scholar – 134 (h-index = 11). Seven certificates were received on the implementation of the results in state institutions of Ukraine and European Union organizations.