M33 |
Diseases of soybean: diagnostics, biocontrol, prevention (Number of comments: 24) |
M37 |
Model of optimal soil layer for adaptation of soil-saving and economically efficient technologies and tools of pre-sowing soil tillage (Number of comments: 20) |
M38 |
Innovative technologies of drying and extraction in microwave fields (Number of comments: 0) |
M43 |
Scientific substantiation of drip irrigation technologies of agricultural crops (Number of comments: 44) |
M45 |
Ways to improve the state of corn agrocenosis in the conditions of contamination heavy metals (Number of comments: 26) |
M49 |
Innovative technologies for public and industrial infrastructure objects recycling using composite materials (Number of comments: 34) |
M50 |
Системне обґрунтування структури і використання технологічних комплексів машин для збирання та післязбиральної обробки врожаю зернових культур (Number of comments: 15) |
M55 |
Energy-efficient control systems in greenhouses (Number of comments: 12) |
M57 |
The development of drought-resistant maize selection material and increased content of carotenoids in grain (Number of comments: 13) |
M57 |
Development of heat treatment technology for the rational use of wood (Number of comments: 15) |
M62 |
Вiotechnology of cultivation of plants the families of Willows for energy plantations (Number of comments: 27) |
M65 |
Nanotechnology is a concentrate of lactose (Number of comments: 15) |
M66 |
Resource-saving technologies in the production of protein-rich foods with a balanced composition (Number of comments: 0) |
M75 |
The influence of paratypic and genotypic factors on the productive qualities of pigs of different genoty (Number of comments: 0) |
M77 |
Selection value of the gene pool of tobacco with seed production (Number of comments: 0) |
M82 |
Evalution of co2 emission from chernozems in the context of rational use of soil resources (Number of comments: 28) |
M83 |
System of cattle dairy breeds gene pool complex improvement on the high-quality signs of the dairy productivity and resistance (Number of comments: 25) |
M83 |
Selection value of the gene pool of tobacco with seed production (Number of comments: 0) |
M84 |
Adaptive methods of stabilizing and increasing the productivity of spring crops in conditions of insufficient moisture (Number of comments: 0) |
M86 |
Development of advanced production technologies of high-quality wool row stock (Number of comments: 15) |