P2 |
Створення навігаційних систем для космічних апаратів, ракет-носіїв і безпілотних літальних апаратів (Number of comments: 5) |
P3 |
Nuclear processes as a source of information on the structure of nuclei and nuclear interaction (Number of comments: 34) |
P5 |
Глубинное строение литосферы и сейсмическая опасность территории Украины (Number of comments: 44) |
P9 |
Elaboration of innovative environmental technologies and their complex implementation at iron-ore underground mines of Ukraine (Number of comments: 34) |
P10 |
Assurance of functional safety of critical information-control systems (Number of comments: 79) |
P11 |
Controlling the material properties under extreme conditions and in the vicinity of phase transitions (Number of comments: 30) |
P17 |
Creation and broad implementation of new welding electrodes for oil and gas and machine-building industry (Number of comments: 47) |
P19 |
Створення полімерних матеріалів та конструкцій з них під дією фізичних полів (Number of comments: 90) |
P21 |
Intellectual technologies in medical diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation (Number of comments: 67) |
P24 |
Polymer composites based on thermoplastic relatives (Number of comments: 58) |
P28 |
Newest methods of mathematical modeling of complex processes and systems based on high-performance computing (Number of comments: 44) |
P29 |
Ultrasonic Impact Treatment of Surface of Structures and Constructions (Number of comments: 36) |
P31 |
Creation of antenna-fider devices for space technology (Number of comments: 54) |
P32 |
New technologies of creation of ukrainian nanosatellites "poliytan" for studying of terrestrial space (Number of comments: 26) |